This blog is an overflow of all the things I love,
collect, admire and wish for, which ultimately is the inspiration for all things
'Sebastian and Sienna'

Monday, January 17, 2011

Career crossroad.

O.k so you may have just read my facebook status saying that I have been accepted into university to study teaching.
You may ask why, considering teaching is not  related to fashion except that I don't have to wear a uniform. Could not have a job wearing a uniform!

Last year I had come to a career crossroad once again with the need to provide a consistent solid income for myself and Sebastian. Unfortunately I don't think that I could sew fast enough to be able to buy a house one day and send Sebastian to the high school that I want or maybe  as a mother I can't take the risk.

These were the options that I were considering:

No. 1 ~ Manufacture 'Sebastian and Sienna', producing more and wholesaling ~ my role would change and I am not a huge risk taker. I also love to sew and support handmade.

No. 2 ~ Move to Melbourne and get a job in the industry as a patternmaker for a designer/company. I love patternmaking but don't really like Melbourne and all my support network is here in Adelaide but unfortunately no jobs here in patternmaking.

No. 3 ~ Go and study the course that I got into when I was 18, teaching.

The decision to become a junior primary/primary teacher has been given a huge amount of consideration, it is one of the most important jobs and I am extremely excited to play an important role in children's education. The closer that it got to finding out if I was offered a place to study the more excited I got and last thursday after one and half hours of trying to log on I found out that I got into my first preference Junior primary/primary teaching.  Whoohooo for me.

Here are some pics of what I will taking to uni.

So in love with this bag, purchased from local markets.

Leather diary and folder- both handmade in Australia.

My over the shoulder satchel/handbag.

I will continue with 'Sebastian and Sienna' as I love and am very proud with what I have achieved, we are in a wonderful place with lots of interest and recognition happening. Thank-you everyone that has supported us so far. I am still overwhelmed that people part with their precious money to buy something I have created. I am already working on some things for winter and ideas for next summer as another thing that I love and find extremely relaxing to do is to draw. I have plans to incorporate this into 'Sebastian and Sienna' more as some of you may already own a tank with a Sienna or Sebastian print.

Here are some of the drawings I have done in the past.

Thanks for coming by,

Vanessa xx

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

I collect cute ceramic things.

Once again I would like to say that I am a collector and not a hoarder........ well that's my theory and I am sticking to it. One thing I LOVE more than clothes shopping is thrift shopping........... love it, love it, love it.
Sebastian unfortunately does not always share my passion for op shopping, he pretty much declares that it smells like Nanna's.

I really don't own any expensive furniture at all, my couch is from Ikea and is possibly the only brand new piece of furniture I have bought apart from my bed which is ancient. I don't own the house I live in and like many of my single friends dreaming of owning our own piece of property bigger than a 1 bedroom, is so 13 years ago. What was I doing 13-15 years ago when houses were cheaper, oh thats right I was an underpaid overworked hairdresser.(o.k probably didn't need to share that last part on my 'Sebastian and Sienna' blog but anyway)  My point is that since I don't own this house which is my home, I take great pleasure in filling it with lovely things that I adore. Most of these things are what I like to call pre-loved and is pretty much making my house look like my Nanna Rowe's, but hey unless Sebastian starts compaining of any nanna smells I can keep collecting.

Here are some pics of my cute ceramic things:

My very cute egg cups.

My cool salt and pepper shakers.

Money boxes.
The last two are not ceramic but super cute all the same.

Most of these are kept behind sliding glass or are on top of my pre-loved vintage buffet cupboards.

Thanks for reading and looking.
Vanessa   xo

P.s hopefully no nanna's were offended while reading this post. We love you Nanna's.